Dr. Grégory Rolina

Dr. Grégory Rolina

Team Leader
European Union Agency for Railways

How can a rail authority contribute to enhance safety culture?

The European Union Agency for Railways acts as the authority which delivers safety certificates to railway operators inside the Union.
Beside this mission, the EU Agency for railways has developed a set of initiatives to support its stakeholders to better implement regulations and enhance railway safety.

This portfolio of activities encompasses challenging topics, such as safety culture, safety leadership, Human and Organizational Factors. Those domains are indeed difficult to approach, in particular for small compagnies.

Cross-company and corporate training, e-learning, safety climate survey and peer review are part of the assistance provided by the EU Agency for Railways. Those activities are based on the European Railway Safety Culture Model, a conceptual and practical framework, which helps professionals better understand and improve.

The paper will introduce the model and present practical applications.

Dr. Grégory Rolina is a team leader at the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA). He has been leading the safety culture programme since 2017 and he is now responsible for implementing the ERA safety training portfolio and qualification schemes. He has a broad international experience working with safety culture and human and organisational factors in railways, nuclear power plants and high-risk industries.