Brian Hughes

Brian Hughes


Agile Learning at the Pace of Industry

HOP principles help to provide a “fertile substrate” for productive, collaborative learning and they are critical for building trust and carving out channels for effective communication. But these principles aren’t enough on their own. Even simple events are the result of multiple converging storylines. This makes it very difficult to keep the learning process on track and to document the output. The learning process is inefficient, unfocused, and important opportunities are missed.

A group of diverse, knowledgeable individuals are like members of an orchestra – all bring a different “instrument”, but without a conductor to guide and a score to decode, the music doesn’t come together. Organizational learning events yield best results when led by an experienced facilitator and when the information produced is encoded, or mapped, in way that helps the learning team manage the limitations of their short-term memory.

This presentation will use examples from Online Retail, Aerospace, Healthcare, and Construction to illustrate the complexities experienced at the “sharp end” of learning and provide key leadership and structural elements required to maximize learning opportunities.

Brian holds a degree in Finance and began his career in corporate accounting in 1996 where he was engaged in process improvement initiatives. His introduction to root cause analysis during this time sparked a lifelong passion for problem-solving and organizational learning. In 2000, Brian transitioned to Apollo Associated Services, initially as Marketing Manager, but quickly moved into teaching and investigation roles, eventually becoming a Partner and Vice President.

In 2011, Brian co-founded Sologic with Chris Eckert and Jon Boisoneau. As Vice President, and later President (since May 2022), he has helped to drive Sologic’s evolution beyond root cause analysis into areas like failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) and human and organizational performance (HOP). Brian develops strategic direction, writes and produces content, supports clients in building organizational learning programs, investigates significant events, and creates reliability intelligence and maintenance strategies. He also shares insights through conference presentations and actively seeks innovative ways to help organizations foster intelligence through learning.

Known for his strong work ethic and hands-on approach, Brian learns through action—even when it involves occasional failures. He is passionate about building community and connections with clients, colleagues, other consultants, and even competitors, fostering collaboration and shared growth. Outside of work, he is an avid musician, playing bass guitar, and enjoys building, riding, and maintaining bicycles.

BA – Business Administration, Finance (Western Washington University)