Trish Kerin

Lead Like Kerin

Process safety, occupational safety – what is the difference?

The occupational safety field has been recognised for much longer than the field of process safety. In the presentation Trish will discuss the difference, and highlight the overlap. Focusing on how each can be leveraged to improve the other, with a view to getting better overall safety outcomes.

Trish Kerin is an award-winning international expert and keynote speaker on process safety leadership. She was the inaugural director of the IChemE Safety Centre. She works with organisations globally to share and learn in process safety, leveraging off her engineering, operational and executive experience.

She is a Chartered Engineer, registered Professional Process Safety Engineer, Fellow of IChemE and Engineers Australia and a Senior Member of AIChE. Trish holds a Diploma in OHS, a Master of Leadership and is a Graduate of the AICD.